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xtd (pronounced "extend") is a modern C++17/20 framework to create console, GUI and unit test applications on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS(*) and android(*).


(*) see portability for more information


  • Free and open-source (MIT License);

  • a collection of native C++ classes libraries, to complete std;

  • API close to the .net API with modern C++ approach and full integration with the std standard;

  • xtd is designed to manage GUI controls and dialogs in pure native mode or with CSS styles.

  • written in efficient, modern c++17/20 with RAII programming idiom;

  • and highly portable and available on many different platforms;

xtd libraries architecture



xtd is composed of several libraries.


The xtd.core library is modern c++17/20 library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provide access to system functionality. It is the foundation on which c++ applications, components, and controls are built.



The xtd.drawing library contains types that support basic GDI+ graphics functionality. Child namespaces support advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics functionality, advanced imaging functionality, and print-related and typographical services. A child namespace also contains types that extend design-time user-interface logic and drawing.

The xtd.forms library contains classes for creating Windows-based applications that take full advantage of the rich user interface features available in the Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and linux operating system.


The xtd.tunit library is a unit-testing framework for modern C++17/20 inspired by Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Cpp.

See xtd libraries hierarchy.

Objectives and Mission


  • xtd is a powerful, yet easy to use platform to build your applications upon

  • xtd is modular and scalable from embedded applications

  • xtd provides consistent, comprehensive and comprehensible programming interfaces

  • xtd favors simplicity over complexity ("as simple as possible, but not simpler")

  • xtd aims for consistency in design, coding style and documentation

  • xtd emphasizes source code quality, in terms of readability, comprehensiveness, consistency, style and testability

  • xtd aims to make C++ programming fun again Guiding Principles

  • Strong focus on code quality, style, consistency and code readability – all code must satisfy our coding style guide

  • Strong focus on tests (automated unit tests with high coverage)

  • Build on top of solid foundations – use existing proven C, C++ or Objective-C libraries (e.g. Win32 APi, Gtk4, AppKit,...) where it makes sense

Getting started

  • Installation provides download and install documentation.

  • Guides provides xtd guides and tutorials.

  • Examples provides over 500 examples to help you use xtd, grouped by libraries and topics.

© 2023 Gammasoft

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