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Download the latest stable tunit version


You can download latest stable version on SourceForge.




Clone the latest tunit commit


Or clone latest development version on GitHub.





Windows 7 SP1 or later


  • Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community

    In order to build xtd.tunit, you first need download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 community from

  • Install CMake 3.3 or later

    After Microsoft Visual Studio, you need to install the latest version cmake from

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'cmake --version' in "Command Prompt", if it's no, add cmake install directory to your path.

  • After installing Microsoft Visual Studio and CMake, do the following in "Command Prompt" to build and install tunit :


cd C:\Users\YourName\tunit\



  • Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.


macOS 10.14 (OS X Mojave) or later


  • Install Xcode 10 or later

    In order to build xtd.tunit, you first need download and install Xcode from App Store and install "Commands line tools".

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'clang --version' in "Terminal".

  • Install Homebrew

    After Xcode, to build Switch, you need to install package manager Homebrew (


/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL ttps://"


  • After installing Xcode and Homebrew, do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install :


cd /Users/YourName/tunit/



  • Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.


CentOS 7, Debian 9.7, Elementary OS 5.0, Fedora 29, LinuxMint 19.1, RedHat 7.5 and Ubuntu 18.04 (or later)


  • Do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install :


cd /Users/YourName/tunit/



  • Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.


Other linux Distribution


  • Install g++ 7 or later

    In order to build , you first need download and install g++ 7 or later.

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'g++ --version' in "Terminal".

  • Install CMake 3.3 or later

    After Microsoft Visual Studio, you need to install the latest version cmake from

    Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'cmake --version' in "Terminal", if it's no, add cmake install directory to your path.

  • After installing g++ and CMake, do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install :


cd /Users/YourName/tunit/



  • Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.


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