Download the latest stable tunit version
Clone the latest tunit commit
git clone https://github.com/gammasoft71/tunit .
Windows 7 SP1 or later
Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community
In order to build xtd.tunit, you first need download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 community from https://www.visualstudio.com.
Install CMake 3.3 or later
After Microsoft Visual Studio, you need to install the latest version cmake from https://cmake.org/download/
Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'cmake --version' in "Command Prompt", if it's no, add cmake install directory to your path.
After installing Microsoft Visual Studio and CMake, do the following in "Command Prompt" to build and install tunit :
cd C:\Users\YourName\tunit\
Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.
macOS 10.14 (OS X Mojave) or later
Install Xcode 10 or later
In order to build xtd.tunit, you first need download and install Xcode from App Store and install "Commands line tools".
Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'clang --version' in "Terminal".
Install Homebrew
After Xcode, to build Switch, you need to install package manager Homebrew (http://brew.sh).
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL ttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
After installing Xcode and Homebrew, do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install :
cd /Users/YourName/tunit/
Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.
CentOS 7, Debian 9.7, Elementary OS 5.0, Fedora 29, LinuxMint 19.1, RedHat 7.5 and Ubuntu 18.04 (or later)
Do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install :
cd /Users/YourName/tunit/
Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.
Other linux Distribution
Install g++ 7 or later
In order to build , you first need download and install g++ 7 or later.
Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'g++ --version' in "Terminal".
Install CMake 3.3 or later
After Microsoft Visual Studio, you need to install the latest version cmake from https://cmake.org/download/
Remarks: Verify if you can execute 'cmake --version' in "Terminal", if it's no, add cmake install directory to your path.
After installing g++ and CMake, do the following in "Terminal" to Build and install :
cd /Users/YourName/tunit/
Create as many unit tests as you want with tunit.